To millions of hunters and shooters worldwide, the name "Winchester" means quality and performance. 22 LR M22 Subsonic Ammunition This Winchester. Winchester has set the world standard in superior ammunition performance and innovation for more than a century. SKU 09621 Ships Ships Within 5 to 7 Business Days Description REVIEWS Q&A Accurate and Quiet Winchester 45-Grain.
22 subsonic round full#
In 1873, less than a decade after the Civil War and when Westward Expansion was in full gallop, Winchester introduced the first successful centerfire cartridges. When you need dependable ammunition that you can count on, you can trust in Winchester. This ammunition is great for target practice, range use and hunting small game. The cartridges utilize a 45-grain bullet capable of traveling at 1090 fps, giving them 100 ft/lbs of energy at the muzzle. For this article, I selected six current, subsonic. 22 Long Rifle ammunition features a black plated, lead round nose projectile for improved reliability in a variety of firearms. Quality control is on point as well, ammo always comes.
22 subsonic round manual#
Great choice for manual loading weapons with mounted silencers.Accurate and Quiet Winchester 45-Grain. Accurate as hell, good velocity and stopping power while sounding like a stick breaking in the woods.
22 subsonic round crack#
Their sub-sonic loading eliminates the super-sonic crack suppressors cant silence.

Silent and reliable round for plinking and hunting with mounted silencers What about Subsonic Rimfire Rounds A subsonic 22 LR round has its application in close range shooting (50 yards maximum) where noise could be a problem (i.e.